ColdFront roles - Staff (support or admin)

Staff Access

A user can only view projects they are on. However, there is a way to enable Center staff to view all projects. You may wish to do this for your Center director(s) or other user-facing staff who could benefit from accessing the project information.

Marking a user with staff status gives them access to the User Profile feature and displays the Staff menu.

A staff member can search for any user in the system and see details about the user account such as "University Role" (list of Unix groups), email address, whether or not the user is PI, and the last time they logged into ColdFront.

By clicking on the "View user projects and managers", they get a list of what project(s) the user is a member of. If the user is a manager or a PI on a project, it is labelled as such.

ColdFront - Staff looking up user.mp4

List and filter allocations

ColdFront - Staff search allocations and inspect details.mp4


Reference for ColdFront admins

See also