How to access the AgResearch eRI compute cluster

How to access the AgResearch eRI compute cluster

In order to use the compute resources you need an account. Please request an account before connecting How do I get help? | Via the support portal.

The instructions below assume that you already have an user account in AgResearch Active Directory and your password is not temporary. Also, that you are on the AgResearch local network (LAN) when attempting to connect. Further, one would need to be a member of a project in order to have access to both a project (data/storage) folder as well as a scratch (compute) folder.

To connect your local machine to the eRI cluster a Secure Shell (SSH) connection needs to be established. If you are using a Unix-like operating system like MacOS or Linux this can be achieved simply using the inbuilt terminal. Windows users must make use of an SSH client (e.g. WSL, PuTTY, MobaXterm).

Instruction for NeSI staff access

See NeSI internal documentation

 Instructions for AgR staff access

  1. OPTIONAL: If working from outside the AgResearch local network, connect to AgR VPN
    (or Inscrutable or Iramohio first: e.g. connect via a Terminal application:
    ssh inscrutable.agresearch.co.nz)
    See also Connecting to the eRI compute cluster from Windows
    Once logged on, continue to

  2. Connect to an eRI login node:
    ssh username@agresearch.co.nz@login-0.eri.agresearch.co.nz
    (or login-1) enter your password if prompted

  3. List the contents of your sandbox project folder:
    ls -la /agr/persist/projects/XXXX-abc_defghijklm

  4. List the contents of your scratch folder:
    ls -la /agr/scratch/projects/XXXX-abc_defghijklm

  5. Change into the scratch location:
    cd /agr/scratch/projects/XXXX-abc_defghijklm

  6. Start working…

While other datasets or projects might be visible, please do not attempt to modify them during this phase of data staging/migration.

Available Applications


module spider to list the available applications as module. See also How to find and load software (aka modules)


Conda is installed but needs to be enabled:

  1. Run export PATH=/agr/persist/apps/miniconda/bin:$PATH

  2. Run conda init bash

  3. Run source ~/.bashrc

  4. See also Usage — Bioconda documentation (very important - unless you setup the channel priorities as described there, installations from BioConda won’t work reliably)


Available as Apptainer and aliasing enabled, meaning both apptainer --version and singularity --version will work.

Copying data

scp can be used to copy data to/from the login node.

(Before copying data, please check whether what you need is already there - all legacy HPC datasets should be accessible via the familiar /dataset paths, and legacy home directories under eRI home directories in legacy-hpc, which should be treated as readonly, since it will get overridden when changes are made on legacy home.)

Copy from eRI login node to Inscrutable

Login to Inscrutable and then, for example:
copy a file from the user home on the eRI login node to the user home on Inscrutable.

scp username@agresearch.co.nz@login-0.eri.agresearch.co.nz:/home/agresearch.co.nz/username/slurm-94.out /home/username/slurm-94.out

Copy from Inscrutable to eRI login node (project folder)

scp -r /home/username/my-data username@agresearch.co.nz@login-0.eri.agresearch.co.nz:/agr/persist/projects/XXXX-abc_defghijklm

Copy from NeSI Mahuika to eRI login node

How to copy data between NeSI Mahuika and AgR eRI

Accessing other data

Datasets are located at /agr/persist/datasets/

Most datasets are still being actively copied! Please let support know if you need access to a specific dataset.

See also how to locate legacy (migrated) data: Accessing eRI storage | Locating legacy data


Login from Inscrutable

The default authentication method is set to utilise Kerberos authentication using your AgResearch domain credentials from the login session of the workstation/laptop.
If it doesn’t work you will be prompted to authenticate using your AgResearch AD password.

SSH Key-Based Authentication

Key-based authentication is supported as well. Make sure to use the supported format:
username@agresearch.co.nz@login-0.eri.agresearch.co.nz for the username@host part.

Expired Kerberos ticket session

In case of an expired or no valid Kerberos authentication session, running klist will output something like:

inscrutable$ klist klist: No credentials cache found (filename: /tmp/krb5cc_1292_D5QPAU)

The solution is to refresh the session using kinit

enter your password when prompted and verify with klist that there is a krbtgt with expiration date in the future listed.


How do I get help? lists the various options to contact the help desk for the AgResearch eRI.

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