New AgResearch staff (or those who have not used the existing, legacy HPC) planning to utilise the compute resources, will need a username created and home directory (/home/agresearch.co.nz/username) provisioned.
Do this by emailing NeSI’s support desk at support@cloud.nesi.org.nz.
or via the eRI Support Portal
Do you have legacy data that needs to move (be cutover)? this could take some time and requires activation by AgResearch.
Background: Most data has been transferred from the legacy HPC to the new eRI HPC already. Any data that has not been migrated will not readable/writeable until it has been cut over. This ensures both data sets remain in sync.
Please make a request to support@cloud.nesi.org.nz
Do you need a new dataset/project (with compute allocation) created or will you be accessing another workspace?
If you are unsure what the difference between a dataset and a project is, check out the frequently asked questions page for more information.This will
give you access to a project directory, a scratch directory (for high-performance working storage within the HPC environment), and a share of access to HPC (i.e. compute/analysis) resourcesGo to ColdFront at https://coldfront.eri.agresearch.co.nz/, a self-service tool that allows you to set up a project, apply for a share of compute resources and perform administrative tasks such as managing other project members and checking the progress of the project all in one place. For more information about this tool and how to connect to it, click here. Important: when setting up a new project, you need to give it a title following the format yyyy-nameofproject, for example, 2077-micetrial.
If you experience difficulty getting set up with ColdFront, you can reach out for more support by emailing NeSI’s support desk.
How do I know if there is already data or a project?
What software/version might you need?
If you are unsure what software is available, please ask and we can help build and/or make it available.
Finally, NeSI also offers regular online office hour sessions, hosted via Zoom. These sessions are open to anyone - you don't need to be an existing NeSI user. Information on when the next office hour will be hosted is here.