A central storage space for all AgResearch’s research data.
Replacing our aging legacy High Performance Computing (HPC) with a more performant compute environment
Provide application support to researchers through our partnership with the talented people at NeSI (New Zealand eScience Infrastructure)
Data will be stored in ‘Projects’ or 'Datasets
What is a
Project and what is a
Projects and Datasets are the first two logical resources provided from the eResearch Infrastructure. Both concepts have well-defined ownership and access models, as well as lifecycle, which will help to ensure a basic consistent level of data-management is maintained and that our infrastructure is used efficiently.
Projects are intended for active/ongoing work whereas Datasets are to enable collaboration on, sharing of, and reference to research data. A single research activity/project might require both a Project and one or more Datasets on the eResearch Infrastructure. At the end of a research activity, a final step might involve turning the Project into a Dataset for archive (after some tidy up and additional description work). With your help we aim to develop best-practice guidance for different types of work over time.
A Project will include a project directory, a scratch directory (for high-performance working storage within the HPC environment), and a prioritised share of access to HPC (i.e. compute/analysis) resources. Projects also have an owner and a team, where each member of the team will have full access to the contents of the project’s storage.
A Dataset will include a dataset directory only, no scratch storage, no computing/analysis resources. Datasets have an owner/custodian and a team of contributors, where each member of the team will have full access to the contents of the dataset’s storage. Datasets also have read-only access, either to a defined group of individuals or for all AgResearch users. . Through this read-only access we can build well-known reference collections and make data more discoverable.
When will I be able to use the infrastructure?
The eResearch Infrastructure is supported by a Collaborative Support Desk populated with experts from AgResearch and NeSI. Access to this support is via an email to support@cloud.nesi.org.nz or via the support portal here.
We know that you are already used to contacting AgResearch’s Support Desk and we channels open with them so if your ticket lands there, the right people will still get it.